- Add ZenithConnect table to store registration infoNMS-17851
- Duplicate Trivy IssuesNMS-17768Muhammad Talha
- FE: Get Meridian system ID from Rest API and include in Zenith Connect auth flowNMS-17767Scott Theleman
- FE: Fix issue with item showing up in legacy menuNMS-17766Resolved issue: NMS-17766Scott Theleman
- Provisioning of a Maven caching serverNMS-17757
- Setting KAFKA_RPC_ and KAFKA_SINK_ variables insufficient to disable ActiveMQ for minion containerNMS-17756
- Make DCB tftp port examples consistentNMS-17755Dino Yancey
- Add documentation to enable/disable Zenith Connect in properties fileNMS-17754Resolved issue: NMS-17754Scott Theleman
- Coretex timeseries metatags broken in 33.1.4NMS-17753Resolved issue: NMS-17753Muhammad Junaid
- Update PagerDuty Build to support 2024/33NMS-17752Dino Yancey
- Get Meridian system ID and return in Monitoring System APINMS-17751Scott Theleman
- Rest API for getting active Zenith registrations/connectionsNMS-17750
- FE: Display list of currently active Zenith registrationsNMS-17749
- Use saved Zenith/Keycloak initial token in gRPC ConnectionNMS-17748
- Store keycloak token received during Zenith registration in SCV or DBNMS-17747
- Make grpc exporter compatible to run using in process server.NMS-17746Junaid Khan
- Task ExperienceNMS-17745
- Server was unreachableNMS-17744Resolved issue: NMS-17744Ronny Trommer
- Update Drift / proportional_sum to support Elasticsearch > 7.xNMS-17743
- Modernize ElasticSearch SupportNMS-17742
- FlowQueryService as part of UsageStatisticsReporter is failing on MacNMS-17741Resolved issue: NMS-17741Muhammad Junaid
- UsageStatisticsReporter oshi code may be failing on MacNMS-17740Resolved issue: NMS-17740Shahid Munir
- Issues in Alarm and Event DAO (Null reference and BigInteger conversion)NMS-17739Resolved issue: NMS-17739Shahid Munir
- Add Heartbeat support for SPOG ( Single Pane of Glass)NMS-17738Resolved issue: NMS-17738Chandra Gorantla
- Update OSHI library to 6.7.0NMS-17737Resolved issue: NMS-17737Muhammad Junaid
- Add support for Heartbeat in grpc exporter ( SPOG)NMS-17736Resolved issue: NMS-17736Naeem Afzal
- Update the Base image for Opennms-core, Minion and sentinelNMS-17735Resolved issue: NMS-17735Muhammad Talha
- Changes in NMS-17726 are not properly merged in foundation-2023, foundation-2024 and horizon 33.xNMS-17734Umair Khalid
- Support Modifications to Elasticsearch Templates at RuntimeNMS-17733Muhammad Wajahat Abbasi
- gRPC messaging not working when Trapd is enabled on the Core serverNMS-17732Christian Pape
- Zenith Connect UI POC (Meridian side)NMS-17731Resolved issue: NMS-17731Scott Theleman
- Zenith Connect (Meridian side)NMS-17730Scott Theleman
- Improvements for Trivy Scan Circleci PipelineNMS-17729Resolved issue: NMS-17729Muhammad Talha
- OpenNMS KarafStartupMonitor hangs on startupNMS-17728Resolved issue: NMS-17728Scott Theleman
- Grpc Exporter : Ability to disable BSM/ NMS-Inventory modulesNMS-17727Resolved issue: NMS-17727Chandra Gorantla
- Java Heap settings are not applied when Minion is running in a containerNMS-17726Resolved issue: NMS-17726Ronny Trommer
- Java Heap settings are not applied when Minion is running in a containerNMS-17725Resolved issue: NMS-17725Christian Pape
- Check for Protocol Error Cause and ResolveNMS-17724Tahir Abbasi
- Create GRPC Client Side TestsNMS-17723
- Create GRPC server Side TestsNMS-17722Junaid Khan
- Don't load snmp-metadata-adapter-configuration.xml by defaultNMS-17721Resolved issue: NMS-17721Christian Pape
- Alarm not cleared after Path Outage Node came back UPNMS-17720
- The dash character shows up as a question mark in News Feed panelNMS-17603
- DevOps: Investigate arm64 docker build failure impacting Foundation-2023NMS-17379Resolved issue: NMS-17379Morteza
- End to end testing for Event updates from Meridian to SPoGNMS-17378Resolved issue: NMS-17378Naeem Afzal
- Add support for Heartbeat in grpc exporter ( bsm)NMS-17377Resolved issue: NMS-17377Chandra Gorantla
- Create a copy of iText dependency (part of Jasperreport)NMS-17376
- Migrate the content under repo-maven on archive url into Hosted Maven repositoryNMS-17375
- OpenNMS release TaskNMS-17349Resolved issue: NMS-17349Tahir Abbasi
- Add events updates in GRPC exporterNMS-17337Resolved issue: NMS-17337Naeem Afzal
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