- fix dataCollectionSucceeded reduction keyNMS-16602
- Trapd environment variables are not effective in containersNMS-16063fooker
- eventd does not validate its configuration before reloading in response to a reloadDaemonConfig eventNMS-15289Resolved issue: NMS-15289Christian Pape
- Allow trap varbind OID's to be used as keys in SNMP eventconf.xml maskNMS-14376
- Add operator instructions for graphInvalidatedNMS-13173Resolved issue: NMS-13173Marcel Fuhrmann
- and /applicationCreated event definition is missingNMS-13063Resolved issue: NMS-13063Marcel Fuhrmann
- Update CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB threshold trap events to include alarm-dataNMS-12362Resolved issue: NMS-12362Jeff Gehlbach
- Redesign default threshold eventsNMS-10672Resolved issue: NMS-10672Marcel Fuhrmann
- Enable extraction of match groups from regex matches in Event.Mask.Varbind.VbvalueNMS-10626Resolved issue: NMS-10626Jesse White
- Event configuration should be able to match event parameters by key & valueNMS-10465Resolved issue: NMS-10465David Smith
- rearmingAbsoluteChange event is missing in default configNMS-10443
- Rework Dell iDrac datacollection/pollerNMS-10185
- "manage event configuration" editor needs some improvementsNMS-10177
- Default eventconf for clogMessageDiscarded has invalid snmphost maskNMS-10162Resolved issue: NMS-10162Jesse White
- wrong statement in event description for serviceDeletedNMS-10148Resolved issue: NMS-10148Marcel Fuhrmann
- Reloading the Event Configuration Does Not Pick Up Modified EventsNMS-10074
- Add Ironport AsyncOS Mail Gateway EventsNMS-9794Resolved issue: NMS-9794Tarus Balog
- RTC subscription events should not be persisted to DBNMS-9754Resolved issue: NMS-9754Jeff Gehlbach
- Allow use of %% to escape a percent sign in the eventconfNMS-9607Resolved issue: NMS-9607Seth Leger
- when using inverted poller the reason template won't be displayedNMS-9596
- Eventd does not respect event configuration order when reloadingNMS-9551Resolved issue: NMS-9551Jesse White
- Duplicate event definition in etc/eventsNMS-9509Resolved issue: NMS-9509Ronny Trommer
- BSM Service Problem Alarms Don't ClearNMS-9487
- Wrong alarm-data for event "communicationEstablished" of APCNMS-9458
- Remove unused events and event definitionsNMS-9303Resolved issue: NMS-9303Ronny Trommer
- Some events have Log Messages that are more verbose than DescriptionNMS-9211Resolved issue: NMS-9211Marcel Fuhrmann
- Traps forwarded from OpenNMS toward northbound NMS has the SNMP community field as “public” at all time.NMS-9208
- Cleanup events and unused code in capsd, provisiond and LinkdNMS-9207Ronny Trommer
- SNMP data collection definitions for Cisco ASA5585-SSP-60 devicesNMS-9094Resolved issue: NMS-9094Jeff Gehlbach
- Cleanup opennms provided default event definitionsNMS-9093Resolved issue: NMS-9093Ronny Trommer
- Passive Status Event should show Passive Service and Not ServiceNMS-8515Resolved issue: NMS-8515Tarus Balog
- Add LANCOM LCOS9 event filesNMS-8347Resolved issue: NMS-8347Marcel Fuhrmann
- Event definition file for JUNIPER-IVE-MIBNMS-8071Resolved issue: NMS-8071Cyrille Bollu
- set Up severities for issue: NMS-8042Antonio Russo
- Monitor Cisco ASR1001-X, ability to use nested %hardware% and %parm[##]% in eventsNMS-7938
- Enable scheduled outages to apply to eventsNMS-7927
- Send-Event NullPointerExceptionNMS-7806Resolved issue: NMS-7806
- Add Sonicwall Firewall EventsNMS-7798Resolved issue: NMS-7798Ronny Trommer
- overrides issue: NMS-7679Marcel Fuhrmann
- Cleanup eventsource content in eventsNMS-7451
- add Siemens HiPath 8000 / OpenScapeVoice event filesNMS-7312Resolved issue: NMS-7312Marcel Fuhrmann
- add Siemens HiPath 3000 HG1500 event filesNMS-7311Resolved issue: NMS-7311Marcel Fuhrmann
- add Siemens HiPath 3000 event filesNMS-7310Resolved issue: NMS-7310Marcel Fuhrmann
- OpenNMS start crash when parsing event configuration on WindowsNMS-7281Resolved issue: NMS-7281
- Trap not recognized from Event configurationNMS-7275Resolved issue: NMS-7275
- The OpenNMS Web User Interface Has Experienced an ErrorNMS-7266Resolved issue: NMS-7266Benjamin Reed
- Citrix NetScaler datacollectionNMS-7239Resolved issue: NMS-7239
- Citrix Netscaler MIBNMS-7232Resolved issue: NMS-7232Marcel Fuhrmann
- SNMP trap and data collection definitions for AristaNMS-7224Jeff Gehlbach
- Fix fortinet event typos (fortinet vs fortimail)NMS-7164Resolved issue: NMS-7164Marcel Fuhrmann
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