- Create example configuration for OpenNMS provisiondPRIS-11Resolved issue: PRIS-11Markus Neumann
- Handling for missing provisiond configNMS-15744
- NPE in opennms-provision-persistenceNMS-14814Resolved issue: NMS-14814Sean Torres
- Web UI search does not find External Requisitions and Thread PoolsNMS-14290Resolved issue: NMS-14290Maxim
- Extend SnmpMetadataProvisioningAdapter configuration to support exact OID matchesNMS-13842Resolved issue: NMS-13842Christian Pape
- RRD files for SNMP data are not created until a Service RestartNMS-12974Resolved issue: NMS-12974Chandra Gorantla
- Configurable timeout for Hostname ResolverNMS-12462
- ReST API Resource for Provisiond ConfigurationNMS-12254
- Implement a way to disable Reverse DNS lookupsNMS-11826
- Expose Provisiond Thread Pool stats via JMXNMS-10358Resolved issue: NMS-10358
- VMWare Importer: The rule for selecting the primary interface on VMs is not correctNMS-9713
- Thread leak in Snmp4JStrategyNMS-9620Resolved issue: NMS-9620Jesse White
- GenericURLConnection's getQueryArgs just doesn't workNMS-9058Resolved issue: NMS-9058
- Add provisiond detector for HostResourceSwRunMonitorNMS-9024
- VMWare provisioning FileNotFoundExceptionNMS-8932
- Can't save cached requisition associated with HTTP when scheduling the import through provisiond-configuration.xmlNMS-8912Resolved issue: NMS-8912Alejandro Galue
- '?' can only be specfied for Day-of-Month or Day-of-WeekNMS-8909
- Quick-add node leads to an error (after a longer system uptime)NMS-8196Resolved issue: NMS-8196
- Too many open files (reported by provisiond)NMS-7521Resolved issue: NMS-7521
- Nodes provisioned via don't graph until OpenNMS is restartedNMS-6610Resolved issue: NMS-6610
- Can't import a requisition when OpenNMS is installed in "C:\Program Files\OpenNMS"NMS-6361Resolved issue: NMS-6361
- Import nodes from VMware vCenter 4 failsNMS-6257Resolved issue: NMS-6257Ronny Trommer
- Separate VMware integration from ProvisiondNMS-6254
- Default to Provisiond handling newSuspects, disabling CapsdNMS-5943Resolved issue: NMS-5943Jeff Gehlbach
- Startup fails when pending foreign-source exists with no pending requisitionNMS-5818Resolved issue: NMS-5818Benjamin Reed
- The OpenNMS Web User Interface Has Experienced an Error (Provisioning requisitions)NMS-5783Resolved issue: NMS-5783Seth Leger
- provisiond fails to discover some servicesNMS-5782Resolved issue: NMS-5782
- SNMPV3 context not working in provisiondNMS-5556Resolved issue: NMS-5556Jeff Gehlbach
- snmp asset provisioning adapter install doesn't set jar executableNMS-5517Resolved issue: NMS-5517Benjamin Reed
- 1.10 Removed IP Hostname Field During Provisioning ScansNMS-5233Resolved issue: NMS-5233Benjamin Reed
- upgrade from 1.8.11 to 1.10.0 breaks provisioning groups and discoveryNMS-5229Resolved issue: NMS-5229Benjamin Reed
- Old asset field "maintContractNumber" in legacy requisitions breaks provisioning after uprading to 1.10NMS-5191Resolved issue: NMS-5191Seth Leger
- Unable to manually provision service via GUI without first defining detectorNMS-5178Resolved issue: NMS-5178Benjamin Reed
- RadiusAuthDetector (1.8 only) handles timeout and retry values incorrectlyNMS-5147Resolved issue: NMS-5147Alejandro Galue
- Terminology around provisioning considered confusingNMS-5056Resolved issue: NMS-5056Jeff Gehlbach
- ReinitializePrimarySNMPInterface event causes SNMP interfaces manually marked as "Collect" to revert to "No collect"NMS-4967Resolved issue: NMS-4967Matt Brozowski
- Provisiond DNS importer performs SNMP scans even when SNMP is explicitly excluded from services list and foreign sourceNMS-4958
- Resource Graphs selector - doesn't indicate stale graph dataNMS-4918Resolved issue: NMS-4918Donald Desloge
- Request a requisition import using REST interface where there are interfaces without the attribute snmp-primary throws an exception.NMS-4898
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