The attribute context-name that can be specified in the snmp-config.xml is ignored when the provisiond daemon contacts the remote snmp agent. I''ve attached screenshots of: 1. The definition in snmp-config.xml 2. A log output in provisiond.log 3. A wireshark capture showing the missing part
Linux ubuntu LTS 10.04 running opennms 1.10.5
Acceptance / Success Criteria
Lucidchart Diagrams
Jeff Gehlbach August 8, 2013 at 12:47 PM
Fix checked in to 1.12 branch.
Jeff Gehlbach August 7, 2013 at 3:30 PM
In addition to context-name, I've found that the SNMPv3-specific attributes "engine-id" and "context-engine-id" are also ignored. Also, it's not just Provisiond's node-scan code that ignores these attributes – I've verified that data collection also disregards them, and given the design of the system, all other standard SNMP-speaking parts of OpenNMS presumably do the same.
I've made a unit test in the 1.12 branch to demonstrate the problem and taken the test from failing to passing. Since we're very close to a 1.12.0 release, I'm running the full test suite before checking in my fix.
Jeff Gehlbach August 7, 2013 at 3:05 PM
This issue is at the root of the following commercial support ticket:
The attribute context-name that can be specified in the snmp-config.xml is ignored when the provisiond daemon contacts the remote snmp agent.
I''ve attached screenshots of:
1. The definition in snmp-config.xml
2. A log output in provisiond.log
3. A wireshark capture showing the missing part