ReinitializePrimarySNMPInterface event causes SNMP interfaces manually marked as "Collect" to revert to "No collect"
Acceptance / Success Criteria
Lucidchart Diagrams

Matt Brozowski October 7, 2011 at 5:08 PM
This should have been resolved by the fix tot

Andy Ellsworth October 4, 2011 at 10:57 AM
Based on the similarities in the overall problem, this might very well be related to , but I've opened a separate bug since it's not an exact duplicate.

Andy Ellsworth October 4, 2011 at 10:56 AM
To confirm that I wasn't going crazy, I set up a cron job to capture the state of the snmpinterface table for a given node every 5 minutes. The query was:
select snmpifindex,snmpifname,snmpcollect from snmpinterface where nodeid=30 order by snmpifname;
At 0700, all of the interfaces I marked for collection were properly set in the database (snmpcollect='C').
At 0705, all of the interfaces I marked had been reset to snmpcollect='N'.
Combing the events database for this node, there were only two events between 0600 and 0800 for this node: nodeScanCompleted and reinitializePrimarySnmpInterface. See below:
opennms=# select * from events where nodeid=30 and eventcreatetime > '2011-09-30 06:00:00' and eventcreatetime < '2011-09-30 08:00:00';
eventid | eventuei | nodeid | eventtime | eventhost | eventsource | ipaddr | eventdpname | eventsnmphost | serviceid | eventsnmp |
eventparms | eventcreatetime |
eventdescr | eventloggroup |
eventlogmsg | eventseverity | eventpathoutage | eventcorrelation | eventsuppressedcount | eventoperinstruct | eventautoaction | eventoperaction | eventoperacti
onmenutext | eventnotification | eventtticket | eventtticketstate | eventforward | eventmouseovertext | eventlog | eventdisplay | eventackuser | eventacktime | alarmid | ifindex
624906 | | 30 | 2011-09-30 07:02:07-05 | | Provisiond | | undefined | | | | foreignSource=Networ
k - MASKED(string,text);foreignId=1316746428188(string,text) | 2011-09-30 07:02:09.756-05 | A message from the Provisiond NodeScan lifecycle that a NodeScan has completed: <p>The Node with Id: 30; ForeignSource
: Network - MASKED; ForeignId:1316746428188 has completed.</p> Typically the result of a request of an import request or a scheduled/user forced rescan. | | <p>The Node with Id: 30; ForeignSource
: Network - MASKED; ForeignId:1316746428188 has completed.</p> | 3 | | | | | | |
| Y | Y |
624905 | | 30 | 2011-09-30 07:02:07-05 | | Provisiond | MASKED.7 | undefined | | | |
2011-09-30 07:02:09.031-05 | <p>A change in configuration on this node has been detected and the SNMP data collection mechanism is being triggered |
| SNMP information on MASKED.7 is being | 4 |
| Y | Y |
(2 rows)
The node scan and reinitializePrimarySNMPInterface are triggered every 24 hours by the default provisiond node rescan. The device in question here is a Catalyst 6509 with a couple hundred interfaces.


Fix versions
Affects versions
PagerDuty Incident

Steps to reproduce in my environment:
Provision a node with ICMP and SNMP detectors (and properly configured SNMP communities)
After SNMP is discovered, enable collection on several SNMP interfaces via the Web UI (snmpcollect flips from "N" to "C" in the snmpinterface table)
Wait for a reinitializePrimarySNMPInterface event
Check Web UI and see that all interfaces revert back to not collected (snmpcollect flips from "C" to "N" in the snmpinterface table)