- Performance datasource returns incomplete data when multiple resources are queriedOPG-482
- nodeResources query not working properlyOPG-475Scott Theleman
- Incorrect regex on resourceId when there are overlapping resource typesOPG-467
- String Property queries do not support glob resourcesOPG-462
- Extend `locations()` query to allow filter optionsOPG-447Scott Theleman
- Stat Panel "Last *" Calculation doesn't ignore NaN valuesOPG-446Scott Theleman
- Regression: Unable to manually type in node value in Perf DSOPG-442
- Converted dashboard did not transfer filter query propertiesOPG-441Scott Theleman
- String properties don't render correctly on repeated rowsOPG-431
- Perf DS Query doesn't support ${variable} syntaxOPG-430Scott Theleman
- Support label formatters with glob resourcesOPG-428
- Fix logic for transient flagOPG-425Scott Theleman
- Unable to set node in Perf DS QueryOPG-424Scott Theleman
- PerfDS: Explorer for string property gives error "N.replace is not a function"OPG-421Scott Theleman
- Resource field hard-coding node IDOPG-417Scott Theleman
- Converted dashboards that use expressions fail because attribute labels are misplaced after conversionOPG-414Scott Theleman
- Adding a perf filter query to a dashboard elicits "TypeError: l is undefined"OPG-406Alberto
- Allow Multiple Nodes for Performance DS / Attributes queryOPG-393
- Add variables to node/resource drop downOPG-384Scott Theleman
- Support expressions with multi-value variablesOPG-370
- Multiple Values for String Property does not work for OpenNMS Performance DatasourceOPG-365Alberto
- String properties don't render properly on repeated panelsOPG-342Alberto
- string properties can't be used easily in HelmOPG-293Resolved issue: OPG-293Benjamin Reed
- String values not availableOPG-292Resolved issue: OPG-292
- Expand Performance Datasource variable query docsOPG-290Resolved issue: OPG-290Mark Mahacek
- Flows and performance data source configuration is emptyOPG-276Resolved issue: OPG-276Benjamin Reed
- Node Query view visual issuesOPG-275
- Cannot create panel from scratch on Helm v6 Docker containerOPG-271Resolved issue: OPG-271
- Support dashboard editing under Grafana 7.4+OPG-269Resolved issue: OPG-269
- Adding a query to a performance dashboard is emptyOPG-267Resolved issue: OPG-267Benjamin Reed
- Can't select a Filter typeOPG-246Resolved issue: OPG-246
- Cannot see list of nodes and resources when editing a panel.OPG-243Resolved issue: OPG-243Benjamin Reed
- Document how to use template variables and node label transformsOPG-205Resolved issue: OPG-205Bonnie Robinson
- Document how to use filters for forecasting metricsOPG-204Resolved issue: OPG-204Bonnie Robinson
- Improve node labeling in Grafana panelsOPG-191
- OpenNMS Datasources error when configuringOPG-173Resolved issue: OPG-173
- Grafana integration seems to be broken since v6.3.0OPG-166Resolved issue: OPG-166Jesse White
- Introduce resourceFilter (similar to nodeFilter but for resources)OPG-154Resolved issue: OPG-154
- Allow queries with missing attributesOPG-129Resolved issue: OPG-129Jesse White
- Measurements API does not preserve series orderOPG-128Resolved issue: OPG-128fooker
- SingleStat Panel Wrong in HelmOPG-122Resolved issue: OPG-122
- PM panels throw errors on initializationOPG-101Resolved issue: OPG-101Jesse White
- Allow specifying default and per query time intervals and max datapoints per queryOPG-100Resolved issue: OPG-100Jesse White
- Template variables were only replaced onceOPG-97Resolved issue: OPG-97Jesse White
- PM datasource does not fail gracefully when the query time outsOPG-88Resolved issue: OPG-88Jesse White
- Support for "fallback" attributesOPG-87Resolved issue: OPG-87Benjamin Reed
- Configurable query timeoutsOPG-86Resolved issue: OPG-86Benjamin Reed
- Can't select resources because paging is missingOPG-82Resolved issue: OPG-82
- Incompatible node identifiers between datasources (template vars)OPG-73Resolved issue: OPG-73Benjamin Reed
- Error messages from validateTarget() are never shown to the userOPG-71Resolved issue: OPG-71Brynjar Eide
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