- SNMP Hardware Inventory Adaptor Not Collecting EverythingNMS-16323
- The various SNMP extenders to not work with ifIndex-indexed resourcesNMS-15342Resolved issue: NMS-15342Alex May
- F5 datacollection not working for all metricsNMS-15176
- SNMP data collection cannot locate resourceTypes from resource-types.dNMS-14395
- Aruba AOS-CX datacollection configNMS-14056Resolved issue: NMS-14056Alberto
- Masking sensitive credentials in OpenNMS config dirNMS-13368
- Karaf command 'snmp-fit' not functionalNMS-13055Resolved issue: NMS-13055Chandra Gorantla
- snmpv3 need support for SHA256 and SHA512 Authentication ProtocolNMS-12782Resolved issue: NMS-12782Chandra Gorantla
- Datacollection filter for zero valuesNMS-12741
- Exception in SnmpAttributeType.create disables all datacollection for that nodeNMS-12712
- Addition of REF__MIB2-Interfaces breaks collectionNMS-12403Resolved issue: NMS-12403
- XMLMarshalException in ipc.log: Unexpected close tag </inst>; expected </instance>NMS-12343Resolved issue: NMS-12343Chandra Gorantla
- Implement DISPLAY-HINT handling for SNMP objects collected as "string"NMS-12214
- SNMP collection failing for "interface label is null or blank"NMS-11764Resolved issue: NMS-11764Jesse White
- after deletion of nodes in opennms data collection is still happening for the nodeNMS-11761
- Exception Snmp4JNMS-11744Resolved issue: NMS-11744
- Cisco PIX snmp data collection oid correctionNMS-11738
- SNMP sysID not recognizedNMS-11728
- Add JMX collection and graph defintions for RPC.Server.Poller endpointNMS-11563Resolved issue: NMS-11563Seth Leger
- Add JMX collection and graph defintions for RPC.Server.DNS endpointNMS-11279Resolved issue: NMS-11279Seth Leger
- Update the SnmpCollector to use the CollectionSetBuilderNMS-10896Resolved issue: NMS-10896Patrick Schweizer
- Added collection for monitoring CPU usage for Juniper SRX devicesNMS-10888Resolved issue: NMS-10888
- Problems in datacollection config for Juniper jroutersNMS-10827Resolved issue: NMS-10827
- jnxOperatingTable datacollection not correctly madeNMS-10783Resolved issue: NMS-10783
- Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".NMS-10777Resolved issue: NMS-10777
- Datacollection is changing data that goes into the JRBs to the wrong valueNMS-10699
- openNMS webportal not appearing. showing different errorsNMS-10607Resolved issue: NMS-10607
- Limit SNMP Datacollection by Table IndexNMS-10597Resolved issue: NMS-10597
- re-ip nodes is proving to be much more difficult than necessaryNMS-10531
- MX960 Juniper device not collecting physical interfaces from opennmsNMS-10524
- Duplicate Group cisco-memory in cisco.xmlNMS-10491
- Unable to collect SNMP through minions on a large scaleNMS-10389Resolved issue: NMS-10389
- APCs rpdu's total energy/power metric is missingNMS-10383Resolved issue: NMS-10383Marcel Fuhrmann
- Document RPC TTL tuningNMS-10376Resolved issue: NMS-10376Jesse White
- SNMP4J defaults in OpenNMS XSDs need vetting against newer SNMP4J versionsNMS-10265
- MIB2 SNMP Interface counters missing from Windows data collectionNMS-10247Resolved issue: NMS-10247
- Add SysOID for Cisco ASAvNMS-10244
- Ubiquiti AirMax 8 supportNMS-10210Resolved issue: NMS-10210Marcel Fuhrmann
- The OpenNMS Web User Interface Has Experienced an ErrorNMS-10198Resolved issue: NMS-10198
- MIB2 interface errors are missingNMS-10195Resolved issue: NMS-10195
- SNMP timeouts generate Unexpected exception warnings when using non default locationNMS-10186
- Rework Dell iDrac datacollection/pollerNMS-10185
- Missing event/alarm when datacollection has troubleNMS-10179
- Extend system statistic metrics from UCD SNMP agentsNMS-10159Resolved issue: NMS-10159Marcel Fuhrmann
- SNMP configuration for node's primary IP address does not apply to discovered IP interfaces of same nodeNMS-10150
- Classify the Printer MIB as reference cause it is not assigned by defaultNMS-10146Resolved issue: NMS-10146
- Classify the IETF MIB as reference cause it is not assigned by defaultNMS-10145Resolved issue: NMS-10145
- Remove Cisco Call Manager statistics from all Windows ServersNMS-10144Resolved issue: NMS-10144
- Remove default data collection for Compaq Insight Manager stats from all Windows ServerNMS-10143Resolved issue: NMS-10143
- Remove Checkpoint Firewall data collection from all Windows devicesNMS-10142Resolved issue: NMS-10142
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