- Spotted thread leak in Syslogd localhost name lookupsNMS-5826Resolved issue: NMS-5826Seth Leger
- Remove the file menubar, convert menu options to context menu optionsNMS-5821Resolved issue: NMS-5821Donald Desloge
- Threshold within a time constraint to detect 'slow failure'NMS-5810
- JMXCollector friendly-name directory namingNMS-5808
- "Nodes w/Active Problems" : A new box for the home page based on alarms similar to the Outages BoxNMS-5807Resolved issue: NMS-5807Alejandro Galue
- Syslog Implementation of Northbound InterfaceNMS-5796Resolved issue: NMS-5796David Hustace
- Asset Info/Modify Page makes it hard to see where fields can be edited.NMS-5794
- The PSM is reporting bad values for response timesNMS-5793
- New (additional) event file for NetApp filerNMS-5791Resolved issue: NMS-5791Marcel Fuhrmann
- should be deprecated and removedNMS-5788Resolved issue: NMS-5788Seth Leger
- Selecting topology group doesn't filter alarm widgetNMS-5787Resolved issue: NMS-5787Markus von Rüden
- Creating a group is always at zoom level 1NMS-5785Resolved issue: NMS-5785Markus von Rüden
- Make possible to set the interface status on the requisition through REsT and WebUINMS-5773Resolved issue: NMS-5773Alejandro Galue
- SNMP Path Outage/dependent serivcesNMS-5772
- The behavior of the alarm clearing is not correctNMS-5768David Hustace
- Default content of poller-configuration.xml doesn't match the default foreign source.NMS-5758
- Allow ILR to output durations in millisecondsNMS-5755Resolved issue: NMS-5755Jeff Gehlbach
- promoteQueueData should not be stored on the events table.NMS-5752Resolved issue: NMS-5752Alejandro Galue
- JdbcEventUtil should not set distPoller to "undefined"NMS-5750Resolved issue: NMS-5750Benjamin Reed
- Monitoring big file system using hrStorageTable with Net-SNMP breaks CollectdNMS-5747Resolved issue: NMS-5747Alejandro Galue
- Event analysis report - timespanNMS-5746
- Add Impact, Group, Comment Select for Remedy Trouble TicketNMS-5745Resolved issue: NMS-5745Antonio Russo
- Add view scheduled outages link on node index pageNMS-5739
- Remove the reset button on the login prompt.NMS-5738Resolved issue: NMS-5738Ronny Trommer
- dpkg-buildpackage fails with Sun JVMNMS-5736Resolved issue: NMS-5736
- keep all log4j settings near their main definition.NMS-5729Resolved issue: NMS-5729Ron Roskens
- New asset fields for vendor contact addressNMS-5728Resolved issue: NMS-5728
- Merge features/TN branch to masterNMS-5723Resolved issue: NMS-5723Antonio Russo
- /opt/opennms/bin/install -l /usr/lib -dis failsNMS-5718Resolved issue: NMS-5718Benjamin Reed
- The service is not removed from topology page after decommissioning the service from "Network Activate" applicationNMS-5717Resolved issue: NMS-5717
- Add admin web page to manage log4j configuration for loggingNMS-5716
- AssetRecordDao.findByNodeId is not workingNMS-5714Resolved issue: NMS-5714Alejandro Galue
- Wrong redirect after clicking on any ticket related button from the alarm details pageNMS-5713Resolved issue: NMS-5713Alejandro Galue
- HostResourceSwRunMonitor doesn't work well with processes like cron (with many forks)NMS-5710Resolved issue: NMS-5710Alejandro Galue
- Improve the ticketer API in order to access more information about the ticket's originator.NMS-5705Resolved issue: NMS-5705Alejandro Galue
- google-collections has been replaced with guavaNMS-5695Resolved issue: NMS-5695Benjamin Reed
- Categories with spaces or non alphanumeric characters breaks the delete operation on the WebUI.NMS-5694Resolved issue: NMS-5694Alejandro Galue
- The hover icon of the delete button from the Surveillance Categories Page is wrong.NMS-5693Resolved issue: NMS-5693Alejandro Galue
- Modularity for poller-configuration.xml and collect-configuration.xmlNMS-5692
- The JRobin Converter doesn't work when the RRD Step is different than 5 minutesNMS-5685Resolved issue: NMS-5685Alejandro Galue
- Add a way to use the IP address when building criteria selections for the SNMP interfaces on the SNMP Poller's configuration file.NMS-5683Resolved issue: NMS-5683Alejandro Galue
- The remote poller is not working when using HTTP, but it works with RMINMS-5681Resolved issue: NMS-5681Alejandro Galue
- Add ability to specify certificate alias for Jetty SSLNMS-5680Resolved issue: NMS-5680Seth Leger
- dependencies/liquibase/pom.xml contains repository configurationNMS-5678Resolved issue: NMS-5678Seth Leger
- The NTP Detector is brokenNMS-5677Resolved issue: NMS-5677Alejandro Galue
- The MIB Compiler UI is not catching the exceptions thrown by the jsmiparser library.NMS-5674Resolved issue: NMS-5674Alejandro Galue
- RancidProvisioningAdapter stop updating remote router.dbNMS-5672Resolved issue: NMS-5672Antonio Russo
- Invalid Delete Group Menu Option Wacks the Topology AppNMS-5671Resolved issue: NMS-5671Seth Leger
- NPE in StrafePingNMS-5670Resolved issue: NMS-5670Antonio Russo
- The search page is not displaying the services correctly if Capsd is disabledNMS-5669Resolved issue: NMS-5669Alejandro Galue
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