- 32.0.6 : Geo Map show colour that do not correspond to the highest severity.NMS-16338
- 32.0.6 : Geo Map show Ack'ed alarmsNMS-16333
- DOCS: Document Geographical Map user-defined mapNMS-16230Resolved issue: NMS-16230Scott Theleman
- Geo Map: enable user-defined map to be the default oneNMS-16229Resolved issue: NMS-16229Scott Theleman
- Document adding custom Geomap tile providerNMS-16206Resolved issue: NMS-16206
- IP Address missing in Regional Status popupNMS-15457Resolved issue: NMS-15457
- New geographical map doesn't show node LAST CAP SCAN dateNMS-15437
- Local Geo Map (using gwt.openlayers.url ) working in version 29.0.1 is not anymore in 31.0.3-1NMS-15400Resolved issue: NMS-15400Scott Theleman
- Geo Map node groups should split into individual markersNMS-15150Resolved issue: NMS-15150Scott Theleman
- Vue Menubar items obscured by Geo MapNMS-15149Resolved issue: NMS-15149Scott Theleman
- The management of alarms (escalation, and acknowledge) on the new MAP UI does not work for user without ROLE_REST.NMS-15080Resolved issue: NMS-15080Benjamin Reed
- Chrome/Edge Web Browser : Geographical Map Node Counters are wrongNMS-14792Resolved issue: NMS-14792Scott Theleman
- Fold the H30 "UI Preview" bits into the main UINMS-14730Resolved issue: NMS-14730Scott Theleman
- Map Pins Missing Since UpgradeNMS-13918Resolved issue: NMS-13918Pushkar Suthar
- GeoIP Provisioning AdapterNMS-13704Resolved issue: NMS-13704Christian Pape
- geographical map with "on the fly" configurable node aggregation and icon radiusNMS-12260
- Nodes and alarms disappear from Geo Map after few secondsNMS-12171Resolved issue: NMS-12171Christian Pape
- Topology/Geographical map: Header not hidden when displayed inside iFrameNMS-12166Resolved issue: NMS-12166Christian Pape
- Add Layers Options to Map Tile ServerNMS-10659
- Geo-Map disabling auto-clusterNMS-10595
- Home Page Map does not display node detailsNMS-10008Resolved issue: NMS-10008Markus von Rüden
- The zooming capabilities of the regional status map are very limitedNMS-9945Resolved issue: NMS-9945Grund
- Geographical Maps does not zoom in and does not work with any other open tile server other than tiles.opennms.orgNMS-9895
- Ability to set default map per userNMS-9814Markus von Rüden
- The geographical maps on large installations is unusableNMS-9777Resolved issue: NMS-9777Jesse White
- Typo in regional status geo map: Unacknowledges (for unacknolwedged)NMS-9700Resolved issue: NMS-9700Jeff Gehlbach
- More settings for maps in Ops Board Map DashletNMS-9526Resolved issue: NMS-9526
- front page geo map doesn't match other geo map zoomsNMS-9503
- Grouped status circle on geomap is not a circleNMS-9424Resolved issue: NMS-9424Markus von Rüden
- map-box.jsp freezes if latitude/longitude entrys are invalidNMS-9339Resolved issue: NMS-9339Markus von Rüden
- Change order for toggle alarms in geomap navbarNMS-9311
- Page resets geographical map settings on the start pageNMS-9082David Hustace
- Geographical map shows alarms not correctNMS-9081Resolved issue: NMS-9081Markus von Rüden
- GeoMap Use CaseNMS-8750
- Mark-Clusters are not rendered properly on GeoMaps (develop only)NMS-8719Resolved issue: NMS-8719Alejandro Galue
- Geographical Maps do not show imagesNMS-8717Resolved issue: NMS-8717
- upgrade node map dependenciesNMS-8600Resolved issue: NMS-8600Benjamin Reed
- Distributed/Geographical Maps do not show images anymoreNMS-8597Resolved issue: NMS-8597Markus von Rüden
- Geographical Map not longer available since update to 18.0.0-1NMS-8424
- GeoMaps search enhancementsNMS-8246
- Display Links on Geo MapNMS-7781Resolved issue: NMS-7781
- WMS as background on geographical mapsNMS-7780Resolved issue: NMS-7780
- Make node-map minimum alarm severity configurableNMS-7725
- Adjust Geographical Map to zoom more preciselyNMS-7639
- Make node aggregation 'maxClusterRadius' in Geographical Map configurableNMS-7638Resolved issue: NMS-7638Benjamin Reed
- Search by foreignSource or severityLabel doesn't work on Geo MapsNMS-7577Resolved issue: NMS-7577Benjamin Reed
- Additional graphical mMap ElementsNMS-7504
- ACLs ineffective in geographic mapNMS-7372Resolved issue: NMS-7372Donald Desloge
- Acknowledging alarms from the geo-map is not workingNMS-7359Resolved issue: NMS-7359Donald Desloge
- Request of "Configuration of node information popup at geographical map"NMS-7272
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