- https redirection is partially brokenNMS-15732Resolved issue: NMS-15732Christian Pape
- Update documentation (or implementation) for newer Slack APINMS-15652Resolved issue: NMS-15652Bonnie Robinson
- Bake support for the Metadata DSL into more components for Horizon 33NMS-15647Resolved issue: NMS-15647Jeff Gehlbach
- OpenAPI docs for Requisition REST serviceNMS-15639Resolved issue: NMS-15639Alberto
- send-events-to-elasticsearch karaf command passes username/password in reverseNMS-15638Resolved issue: NMS-15638Mark Mahacek
- SNMPv3 support for AES256 appears brokenNMS-15637Resolved issue: NMS-15637Jesse White
- $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/THIRD-PARTY.txt has gone missing with Horizon 31.0.6 and onwardsNMS-15636Resolved issue: NMS-15636Benjamin Reed
- Review and adjust default and example startup settingsNMS-15635Resolved issue: NMS-15635Morteza
- Docs section about startup configuration and opennms.confNMS-15634Resolved issue: NMS-15634Bonnie Robinson
- update to latest groovy 2.xNMS-15633Resolved issue: NMS-15633Benjamin Reed
- Snmp timeout exceptions appear in provisiond logNMS-15630
- Uncaught exceptions in output.logNMS-15626
- Exception: Unknown datasource name: DroolsAlarmdLv95Exception in web.logNMS-15625
- Docs need an update on what a Minion is able to doNMS-15620Resolved issue: NMS-15620Jeff Gehlbach
- Update new geographical map UI search funtionalityNMS-15619
- Minion connectivity config docs start the user in the wrong directoryNMS-15618Resolved issue: NMS-15618Bonnie Robinson
- Minion collecting incorrect data for another minion at the same locationNMS-15611Resolved issue: NMS-15611
- Syslog Northbounder maxMessageSize config option is not usedNMS-15606Resolved issue: NMS-15606Alex May
- Remove legacy lsb info from Sentinel initialization scriptNMS-15605
- Remove legacy lsb info from Minion initialization scriptNMS-15604Resolved issue: NMS-15604Benjamin Reed
- Fix Event documentation formattingNMS-15603Resolved issue: NMS-15603Bonnie Robinson
- When upgrading Sentinel from an older version, the service file doesn't point to the main installation, but rather to /etc/init.d/sentinel which doesn't existNMS-15601Resolved issue: NMS-15601Benjamin Reed
- When upgrading Minion from an older version on RHEL based systems, the service file doesn't point to the main installation, but rather to /etc/init.d/minion which doesn't existNMS-15600Resolved issue: NMS-15600Benjamin Reed
- Syslog Northbounder Interface Replacement Token SlicingNMS-15598
- Doc: PersistRegexSelectorStrategy only works on string attributesNMS-15595Resolved issue: NMS-15595Bonnie Robinson
- User configurations are not possible when using LDAPNMS-15593
- A small typo in prevents artifacts from GitHub to be included in containersNMS-15592Resolved issue: NMS-15592Morteza
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