- Exception Snmp4JNMS-11744Resolved issue: NMS-11744
- Remove direct GraphProvider access from GraphContainer (user session)NMS-11593Resolved issue: NMS-11593Markus von Rüden
- Add BSM reduction function to better model clusters of servers/servicesNMS-10968Resolved issue: NMS-10968fooker
- Support Browser Notification APINMS-10910Resolved issue: NMS-10910fooker
- Problem with displaying MAC address table of switchesNMS-10810Resolved issue: NMS-10810Antonio Russo
- WMI failureNMS-10727Resolved issue: NMS-10727
- Topology Default Theme has too many dependenciesNMS-9716Resolved issue: NMS-9716Markus von Rüden
- Acknowledging alarms with a huge Description causes error when the Alarm-change-notifier plugin is runningNMS-9429Craig Gallen
- opennms-remote-poller service refuses to startNMS-9398Resolved issue: NMS-9398
- Insert/Update OspfElement: null value in column "ospfrouteridifindex" violates not-null constrainNMS-9374Resolved issue: NMS-9374Antonio Russo
- Business service states are not properly updated when alarms are deletedNMS-9369Resolved issue: NMS-9369Jesse White
- Issue when using a query against the alarms REST interfaceNMS-9295
- Pollerd takes too much time scheduling polling when OpenNMS startsNMS-9247Resolved issue: NMS-9247Alejandro Galue
- "What's New in OpenNMS X" links broken in documentation for versions > 17NMS-9105Resolved issue: NMS-9105
- GenericURLConnection's getQueryArgs just doesn't workNMS-9058Resolved issue: NMS-9058
- OpenNMS Admin Guide HostResourceSwRunMonitor service-name not exact match stringNMS-8968Resolved issue: NMS-8968Mark Mahacek
- Aruba trap masks are wrong?!?NMS-8952
- Chart Page - Add metric countNMS-8950
- No "VMware-HostSystem" service defined in poller-configuration.xmlNMS-8949
- VMWare provisioning FileNotFoundExceptionNMS-8932
- Add "rescanUpdated=true" option to /requisitions/{name}/import REST callNMS-8920
- Add foreignSource and foreignId parameters when sending events as an alternative to nodeIdNMS-8919Resolved issue: NMS-8919Alejandro Galue
- The "Update Ticket" functionality on the alarm detail page is broken, when the original creation of the issue failedNMS-8914Resolved issue: NMS-8914Markus von Rüden
- Jira Ticketer Plugin does not handle transitions from Closed > Open properlyNMS-8913
- Can't save cached requisition associated with HTTP when scheduling the import through provisiond-configuration.xmlNMS-8912Resolved issue: NMS-8912Alejandro Galue
- '?' can only be specfied for Day-of-Month or Day-of-WeekNMS-8909
- Memory Leak in enlinkd?NMS-8896Resolved issue: NMS-8896Antonio Russo
- NRT Graph for Bits In/Out (High Speed) shows false capacity valuesNMS-8871Resolved issue: NMS-8871
- HttpPostMonitor logs exception when banner is not defined.NMS-8864Resolved issue: NMS-8864Markus von Rüden
- NPE when starting bsmdNMS-8853Resolved issue: NMS-8853Markus von Rüden
- Discovery duplicates nodes when foreign-source is setNMS-8835Resolved issue: NMS-8835Jesse White
- InterruptedExceptions thrown when using SNMPNMS-8813Resolved issue: NMS-8813Jesse White
- SNMP walk configurationNMS-8797
- SysOidMask issue in "Ericsson" datacollection-groupNMS-8788
- Collectd doesn't store any data when encountering a genErr SNMP errorNMS-8787
- Restarting OpenNMS: SNMP data collection (false) alarm for several nodesNMS-8785Resolved issue: NMS-8785
- Upgrade LeafLet JS to its latest versionNMS-8780Resolved issue: NMS-8780Benjamin Reed
- GeoMap Use CaseNMS-8750
- HostResourceSWRunDetector fails if response contains escape-charsNMS-8745
- Trapd JMX trap counters don't count trapsNMS-8744Resolved issue: NMS-8744Jeff Gehlbach
- IllegalStateException when using the RrdSummaryControllerNMS-8743Resolved issue: NMS-8743Jesse White
- KSC is not working with Ops Board ConfigurationNMS-8734
- snmp-hardware-inventory-adapter not working for ASR9000 and Juniper EX9200NMS-8731
- User's tuiPin field only supports numeric valuesNMS-8730
- Create a more useful example content for opennms.confNMS-8721Resolved issue: NMS-8721Alejandro Galue
- vmwarecimquery and vmwareconfigbuilder tools is not workingNMS-8718Resolved issue: NMS-8718
- Geographical Maps do not show imagesNMS-8717Resolved issue: NMS-8717
- Scriptd is not working at all for events that have nodes associated.NMS-8716Resolved issue: NMS-8716Seth Leger
- Search web page doesn't talk about searching IPv6 addressesNMS-8711Resolved issue: NMS-8711Cyrille Bollu
- Ship with HTTPS by default for the webappNMS-8706Jeff Gehlbach
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