- JNA ping code reuses buffer causing inconsistent reads of packet contentsNMS-8126Resolved issue: NMS-8126Seth Leger
- Need ability to hand-edit service and category names in requisition web editorNMS-4858Resolved issue: NMS-4858Seth Leger
- Fresh install of 1.10 branch throws exception when updating schemaNMS-4852Resolved issue: NMS-4852Benjamin Reed
- Notification not being sent event if status="on", looks like notifd is not using the status in the config file properlyNMS-4851Resolved issue: NMS-4851Alejandro Galue
- OpenNMS Version not displayed correctlyNMS-4841Resolved issue: NMS-4841Seth Leger
- Add a BSF (bean scripting framework) notification strategyNMS-4837Resolved issue: NMS-4837Jeff Gehlbach
- show running configNMS-4835
- AttributeGroup and SiblingColumnStorageStrategy are producing a StackOverflowErrorNMS-4832Resolved issue: NMS-4832Alejandro Galue
- Managing configuration filesNMS-4821Resolved issue: NMS-4821Benjamin Reed
- eclipse maven integrationNMS-4814Resolved issue: NMS-4814Seth Leger
- ICMP concurrency issue in JnaPinger, JniPinger, Jni6PingerNMS-4808Resolved issue: NMS-4808Matt Brozowski
- DNS provisioning expression matching matches hostname but not record dataNMS-4783Resolved issue: NMS-4783OpenNMS Project
- nodeList page fails to pass the foreignSource when "show interfaces" is selectedNMS-4777Resolved issue: NMS-4777OpenNMS Project
- Add support for matching syslog messages by process name, severity, facility in ueiMatchNMS-4772Resolved issue: NMS-4772Jeff Gehlbach
- Collecting JMX GC stats on Java 1.5 results in InvalidKeyExceptionNMS-4768
- validate services when specifying them during a DNS importNMS-4733
- Error occured when i added a notification and in the last page to finishNMS-4723Resolved issue: NMS-4723Seth Leger
- Just opening a foreign-source in the web UI causes it to be written to diskNMS-4720Resolved issue: NMS-4720Alejandro Galue
- race condition in Provisiond IPv6 scanningNMS-4717Resolved issue: NMS-4717Benjamin Reed
- datacollection-config.xml has no reference to datacollections directoryNMS-4716
- Ability to perform a logical "AND" for more than one category in Surveillance ViewNMS-4713
- Add the possibility to modify eventparms (as text) from VacuumdNMS-4712Resolved issue: NMS-4712Alejandro Galue
- Add ability for HttpMonitor to use node label as virtual host for HTTP pollsNMS-4707Resolved issue: NMS-4707Seth Leger
- Data Collection Broken for some nodes in testingNMS-4703Resolved issue: NMS-4703Alejandro Galue
- snmpStorageFlag="all" is being ignored by the threshold procesingNMS-4700Resolved issue: NMS-4700Alejandro Galue
- Initial Distributed Map page shows all locations even the unchecked "unknown" locationsNMS-4693
- Email Notifications are not properly encoded when the message contains non us-ascii characters.NMS-4692Resolved issue: NMS-4692Alejandro Galue
- OpenNMS GoogleMaps geo-enocder no longer functioning and creates a 503 error in UINMS-4691Resolved issue: NMS-4691Benjamin Reed
- Add alarm-data annotation for Powerware upsDischarged trap eventNMS-4679Resolved issue: NMS-4679Jeff Gehlbach
- c-ping fails to configureNMS-4677Resolved issue: NMS-4677Benjamin Reed
- Discovery fails with JNA pingerNMS-4673Resolved issue: NMS-4673Benjamin Reed
- Make sure Installer and Manager use Pinger configuration rather than just using jni jicmpNMS-4667Resolved issue: NMS-4667Matt Brozowski
- Unable to start OpenNMS "An error occurred while attempting to start the "OpenNMS:Name=Eventd" service"NMS-4644Resolved issue: NMS-4644Benjamin Reed
- Maven settings.xml CR & LF formatNMS-4626Resolved issue: NMS-4626Benjamin Reed
- Remote poller doesn't start in latest masterNMS-4621Resolved issue: NMS-4621Benjamin Reed
- Refactor ICMP Implementations and make sure that main works for JNANMS-4617Resolved issue: NMS-4617Matt Brozowski
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