Alarm Table Plugin not working with Multi-Select Grafana Template Variables
Lucidchart Diagrams

Benjamin Reed October 16, 2018 at 4:36 PM
After working on fixing node template variables for , it's clear that making multi-select work is going to be necessary, or node variables are (mostly) useless. I'll get cracking on that next.

msr October 16, 2018 at 9:34 AMEdited
Hi Benjamin,
The problem is only happening when using multivalue.
I mistakenly was concluding this was working correctly with 'Alarm Histogram' Plugin because in such dashboard I was using the plugin with Repeat 'For each value of' template variable, in this case, both alarm table and histogram work with template variable filter.
For better reproducing you might just check the 'Multi-value' and 'Include All' checkbox add * to 'Custom all value'.
I attached json file with sample dashboard.

Benjamin Reed October 15, 2018 at 8:52 PM
Can you provide a dashboard export? I'm having a hard time reproducing this in my own environment (tho' I'm not very up on how template variables work, so I may be missing something...)
I'm on Grafana 5.3, but here's what I did and it seemed to do the right thing:

msr September 28, 2018 at 11:38 AMEdited
For reference, tested versions are:
- Helm 2.0.0
- Grafana 5.2.4


Fix versions
Affects versions
PagerDuty Incident

Using Query Inspector I'm seeying there is a %7B and %7D (Left/Right curly braces) being introduced as preffix and suffix respectively on Template Variable values when using this feature with Alarm Table Plugin.
Can you please check for this to be corrected?
Alarm Histogram Plugin is working correctly with these kind of variables without introducing these unexpected characters.
Invalid Query Inspector example from Alarm Table Plugin.
(...) ;severity==%7BCRITICAL%7D; (...)
Correct Query Inspector example from Alarm Histogram Plugin.
(...) ;severity==CRITICAL; (...)
These curly brace preffix and suffix characters are causing the Filter not to work returning "No data to show " because of no match found.
Would it be possible to workaround fix this by just editing the js files?