reloadDaemonConfig doesn't work for Eventd, only eventsConfigChange works


As part of the work on NMS-6549, the proper handling of reloadDaemonConfig for Eventd was added to Meridian 2016 and Horizon 18.

 Unfortunately, this is not the case for foundation-2017, which affects Horizon 19 and newer, and the upcoming Meridian 2017.

Acceptance / Success Criteria




Lucidchart Diagrams



Benjamin Reed August 30, 2017 at 8:04 PM

I have confirmed you can change an event .xml file and send the reload and the new configuration is picked up, including adding a new .xml file to events/ and including it in eventconf.xml.

Alejandro Galue August 2, 2017 at 3:42 PM


Now I have a question for you: why it works with eventsConfigChange ? Does that mean both events are handled differently ?

Jesse White August 2, 2017 at 3:38 PM

I suspect that this will be solved by - the event definitions are loaded when the reloadDaemonConfig event is sent, but the order is not respected, leading to the observed behavior.

Alejandro Galue August 2, 2017 at 2:25 PM

The problem has been verified on 19.1.0 and 20.0.1.

The things get worst when you check the events, as the reloadDaemonConfigSuccessful is received, but the config remains unchanged.

Here is what I did:

1) Start OpenNMS with a clean configuration (i.e. the default configuration, unchanged, for Eventd at least)

2) Send frDLCIStatusChange traps, to make sure they are matching the default definition:

3) Add a brand new definitions for frDLCIStatusDown and frDLCIStatusUp using the same MaskElement but different Varbind filters, and update eventconf.xml (see the attached file: 

4) Send a reloadDaemonConfig:

5) Send the frame-relay traps again (like I did on [2]). Expected results, I should see the new definitions. Current results, I'm seeing the old deifnitions.

6) Send an eventsConfigChange:

7) Send the frame-relay traps again (like I did on [2]). Now I'm seeing the new definitions.







Affects versions



Created August 2, 2017 at 1:55 PM
Updated September 20, 2017 at 3:32 PM
Resolved August 30, 2017 at 8:04 PM