ICMPMonitor packet-size and allow-fragmentation problem.
I'm trying to configure the ICMPMonitor to not fragment and send a larger packet size, but I'm not getting the results expected. Its almost like the "allow-fragmentation" settings are not having any affect. I've configured the following within poller-configuration.xml (taken from the admin guide).
My two test devices (opennms server and a client) are both running 1500 MTU, so I'd expect this configuration to show ICMP as "Down" for the client. However, in the poller.log and opennms I'm seeing ICMP return as "UP".
I thought it might be linked to NMS-8617, but I've configured jnapinger within opennms.properties and still see the issue. Below is a snippet from poller.log for ICMPMonitor using JnaPinger... It looks to be missing the allow-fragmentation parameter?
I've tried this on both 19.0.1 and 20.0.0 and get the same result.
2017-06-24 00:15:39,432 DEBUG [Poller-Thread-1-of-30] o.o.n.p.p.PollableServiceConfig: Polling PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], svcName=ICMP] with TTL 300000 using pkg example1 2017-06-24 00:15:39,459 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.j.j.NativeDatagramSocket: org.opennms.jicmp.jna.UnixV4NativeSocket(2, 1, 23098) 2017-06-24 00:15:39,460 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.j.j.NativeDatagramSocket: org.opennms.jicmp.jna.UnixV6NativeSocket(10, 58, 23098) 2017-06-24 00:15:39,502 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.i.j.JnaPingRequest: 1498259739502: Sending Ping Request: [ID=JnaPingRequestId[addr = /, ident = 23098, seqNum = 1, tId = 1],Retries=2,Timeout=3000,Packet-Size=2048,Expirati on=-1,Callback=org.opennms.netmgt.icmp.LogPrefixPreservingPingResponseCallback@3d71a279] 2017-06-24 00:15:39,528 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.p.r.RequestTracker: Scheding timeout for request to [ID=JnaPingRequestId[addr = /, ident = 23098, seqNum = 1, tId = 1],Retries=2,Timeout=3000,Packet-Size=2048,Expiration=1498 259742503,Callback=org.opennms.netmgt.icmp.LogPrefixPreservingPingResponseCallback@3d71a279] in 2975 ms 2017-06-24 00:15:39,529 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.i.SinglePingResponseCallback: waiting for ping to / to finish 2017-06-24 00:15:39,529 INFO [JNA-ICMP-23098-Callback-Processor] o.o.n.i.SinglePingResponseCallback: got response for address /, thread 23098, seq 1 with a responseTime 2.634982ms 2017-06-24 00:15:39,532 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.i.SinglePingResponseCallback: finished waiting for ping to / to finish 2017-06-24 00:15:39,532 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.p.p.LatencyStoringServiceMonitorAdaptor: storeResponseTime: Thresholds processing is not enabled. Check thresholding-enabled parameter on service definition 2017-06-24 00:15:39,532 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.p.p.LatencyStoringServiceMonitorAdaptor: storeResponseTime: Persisting latency data for PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], s vcName=ICMP] 2017-06-24 00:15:39,570 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AbstractPersister: Persisting data for resource ICMP on at Default 2017-06-24 00:15:39,570 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AttributeGroup: Visiting Group AttrGroupType[name=icmp, ifType=all] for[ICMP]@ 2017-06-24 00:15:39,591 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AttributeGroup: AttrGroupType[name=icmp, ifType=all] for[ICMP]@ = true 2017-06-24 00:15:39,614 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.p.LatencyCollectionAttribute: Visiting attribute icmp: 2635.000000 2017-06-24 00:15:39,620 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AbstractPersister: Persisting icmp: 2635.000000 2017-06-24 00:15:39,620 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AbstractPersister: Storing attribute icmp: 2635.000000 2017-06-24 00:15:39,623 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.r.RrdMetaDataUtils: createMetaDataFile: creating meta data file /var/lib/opennms/rrd/response/ with values '{ICMP/}' 2017-06-24 00:15:39,640 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.r.j.JRobinRrdStrategy: createDefinition: filename /var/lib/opennms/rrd/response/ already exists returning null as definition 2017-06-24 00:15:39,641 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.r.j.JRobinRrdStrategy: createRRD: skipping RRD file 2017-06-24 00:15:39,648 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.p.r.RrdPersistOperationBuilder: updateRRD: updating RRD file /var/lib/opennms/rrd/response/ with values '1498259740:2635' 2017-06-24 00:15:39,649 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.p.r.RrdPersistOperationBuilder: updateRRD: RRD update command completed. 2017-06-24 00:15:39,649 DEBUG [Poller-Thread-1-of-30] o.o.n.p.p.PollableServiceConfig: Finish polling PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], svcName=ICMP] using pkg example1 result = Up 2017-06-24 00:15:39,650 DEBUG [Poller-Thread-1-of-30] o.o.n.p.p.PollableService: Finish Scheduled Poll of service PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], svcName=ICMP], started at 201 7-06-24T00:15:39.411+0100 2017-06-24 00:15:39,650 DEBUG [Poller-Thread-1-of-30] o.o.n.s.LegacyScheduler: schedule: Adding ready runnable ScheduleEntry[expCode=1] for PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], svc Name=ICMP] (ready in 300000ms) at interval 300000
Its probably something I'm configuring incorrectly or misunderstanding... Any help would be much appreciated as I'd really like to start using this feature.
I've used tshark to have a look at the packet (suggestion from indigo). It looks like the packet is fragmenting and ignoring the "allow-fragmentation" parameter.
tshark output -------------------
1 0.000000000 â IPv4 1514 Fragmented IP protocol (proto=ICMP 1, off=0, ID=4ab1) 2 0.000090502 â ICMP 602 Echo (ping) request id=0x21a2, seq=1/256, ttl=64 3 0.000814279 â IPv4 1514 Fragmented IP protocol (proto=ICMP 1, off=0, ID=b510) 4 0.000819198 â ICMP 602 Echo (ping) reply id=0x21a2, seq=1/256, ttl=60 (request in 2)
Ubuntu 16.04.2
Opennms 20.0.0
Acceptance / Success Criteria
Lucidchart Diagrams
Paul Ronald June 26, 2017 at 5:18 PM
I'm seeing something else a bit strange with regards to the "packet-size" parameter. Which part of the packet is this parameter referring? i.e. IP Header + ICMP Header + Payload etc
On a device that has an MTU of 1500 set on the NIC the maximum "packet-size" parameter I can specify before fragmentation begins is 1488. If it was just referring to payload I'd have thought setting the "packet-size" parameter to 1472 would have been the maximum. (Ethernet=14,IP Header=20,ICMP Header=8,Payload=1472).
Below is a tshark capture with "packet-size" set to 1488:
Jesse White June 26, 2017 at 4:35 PM
I can confirm something is not right here. Using ping from a shell I get:
Running the IcmpMonitor from a Karaf shell I get:
and tcpdump confirms the ICMP requests/reply packets we in fact fragmented when using the IcmpMonitor.
Paul Ronald June 26, 2017 at 4:08 PM
So after some more testing with wireshark the "allow-fragmentation" settings are working perfectly... I can see that the "dont fragment" flag is being set.
I'm trying to configure the ICMPMonitor to not fragment and send a larger packet size, but I'm not getting the results expected. Its almost like the "allow-fragmentation" settings are not having any affect. I've configured the following within poller-configuration.xml (taken from the admin guide).
<service name="ICMP" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="on">
<parameter key="retry" value="2"/>
<parameter key="timeout" value="3000"/>
<parameter key="allow-fragmentation" value="false"/>
<parameter key="packet-size" value="2048"/>
<parameter key="rrd-repository" value="/var/lib/opennms/rrd/response"/>
<parameter key="rrd-base-name" value="icmp"/>
<parameter key="ds-name" value="icmp"/>
<monitor service="ICMP" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.IcmpMonitor"/>
My two test devices (opennms server and a client) are both running 1500 MTU, so I'd expect this configuration to show ICMP as "Down" for the client. However, in the poller.log and opennms I'm seeing ICMP return as "UP".
I thought it might be linked to NMS-8617, but I've configured jnapinger within opennms.properties and still see the issue. Below is a snippet from poller.log for ICMPMonitor using JnaPinger... It looks to be missing the allow-fragmentation parameter?
I've tried this on both 19.0.1 and 20.0.0 and get the same result.
2017-06-24 00:15:39,432 DEBUG [Poller-Thread-1-of-30] o.o.n.p.p.PollableServiceConfig: Polling PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], svcName=ICMP] with TTL 300000 using pkg example1
2017-06-24 00:15:39,459 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.j.j.NativeDatagramSocket: org.opennms.jicmp.jna.UnixV4NativeSocket(2, 1, 23098)
2017-06-24 00:15:39,460 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.j.j.NativeDatagramSocket: org.opennms.jicmp.jna.UnixV6NativeSocket(10, 58, 23098)
2017-06-24 00:15:39,502 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.i.j.JnaPingRequest: 1498259739502: Sending Ping Request: [ID=JnaPingRequestId[addr = /, ident = 23098, seqNum = 1, tId = 1],Retries=2,Timeout=3000,Packet-Size=2048,Expirati
2017-06-24 00:15:39,528 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.p.r.RequestTracker: Scheding timeout for request to [ID=JnaPingRequestId[addr = /, ident = 23098, seqNum = 1, tId = 1],Retries=2,Timeout=3000,Packet-Size=2048,Expiration=1498
259742503,Callback=org.opennms.netmgt.icmp.LogPrefixPreservingPingResponseCallback@3d71a279] in 2975 ms
2017-06-24 00:15:39,529 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.i.SinglePingResponseCallback: waiting for ping to / to finish
2017-06-24 00:15:39,529 INFO [JNA-ICMP-23098-Callback-Processor] o.o.n.i.SinglePingResponseCallback: got response for address /, thread 23098, seq 1 with a responseTime 2.634982ms
2017-06-24 00:15:39,532 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.i.SinglePingResponseCallback: finished waiting for ping to / to finish
2017-06-24 00:15:39,532 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.p.p.LatencyStoringServiceMonitorAdaptor: storeResponseTime: Thresholds processing is not enabled. Check thresholding-enabled parameter on service definition
2017-06-24 00:15:39,532 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.p.p.LatencyStoringServiceMonitorAdaptor: storeResponseTime: Persisting latency data for PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], s
2017-06-24 00:15:39,570 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AbstractPersister: Persisting data for resource ICMP on at Default
2017-06-24 00:15:39,570 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AttributeGroup: Visiting Group AttrGroupType[name=icmp, ifType=all] for[ICMP]@
2017-06-24 00:15:39,591 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AttributeGroup: AttrGroupType[name=icmp, ifType=all] for[ICMP]@ = true
2017-06-24 00:15:39,614 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.p.LatencyCollectionAttribute: Visiting attribute icmp: 2635.000000
2017-06-24 00:15:39,620 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AbstractPersister: Persisting icmp: 2635.000000
2017-06-24 00:15:39,620 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.a.AbstractPersister: Storing attribute icmp: 2635.000000
2017-06-24 00:15:39,623 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.r.RrdMetaDataUtils: createMetaDataFile: creating meta data file /var/lib/opennms/rrd/response/ with values '{ICMP/}'
2017-06-24 00:15:39,640 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.r.j.JRobinRrdStrategy: createDefinition: filename /var/lib/opennms/rrd/response/ already exists returning null as definition
2017-06-24 00:15:39,641 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.r.j.JRobinRrdStrategy: createRRD: skipping RRD file
2017-06-24 00:15:39,648 INFO [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.p.r.RrdPersistOperationBuilder: updateRRD: updating RRD file /var/lib/opennms/rrd/response/ with values '1498259740:2635'
2017-06-24 00:15:39,649 DEBUG [pool-9-thread-1] o.o.n.c.p.r.RrdPersistOperationBuilder: updateRRD: RRD update command completed.
2017-06-24 00:15:39,649 DEBUG [Poller-Thread-1-of-30] o.o.n.p.p.PollableServiceConfig: Finish polling PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], svcName=ICMP] using pkg example1 result =
2017-06-24 00:15:39,650 DEBUG [Poller-Thread-1-of-30] o.o.n.p.p.PollableService: Finish Scheduled Poll of service PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], svcName=ICMP], started at 201
2017-06-24 00:15:39,650 DEBUG [Poller-Thread-1-of-30] o.o.n.s.LegacyScheduler: schedule: Adding ready runnable ScheduleEntry[expCode=1] for PollableService[location=Default, interface=PollableInterface [PollableNode [1]:], svc
Name=ICMP] (ready in 300000ms) at interval 300000
Its probably something I'm configuring incorrectly or misunderstanding... Any help would be much appreciated as I'd really like to start using this feature.
I've used tshark to have a look at the packet (suggestion from indigo). It looks like the packet is fragmenting and ignoring the "allow-fragmentation" parameter.
tshark output
1 0.000000000 â IPv4 1514 Fragmented IP protocol (proto=ICMP 1, off=0, ID=4ab1)
2 0.000090502 â ICMP 602 Echo (ping) request id=0x21a2, seq=1/256, ttl=64
3 0.000814279 â IPv4 1514 Fragmented IP protocol (proto=ICMP 1, off=0, ID=b510)
4 0.000819198 â ICMP 602 Echo (ping) reply id=0x21a2, seq=1/256, ttl=60 (request in 2)