node.jsp interfaces not loaded due to web browser cache


First bug! Great product.

After upgrading to 1.11.90, all seemed fine and node.js was seeing interfaces correctly. Not sure why this happened, but our only guess is that the older *.nocache.js were cleaned up after the upgrade.

Regardless, when we came in today, Interfaces were no longer being listed on any node(node.js)

We dove in to find that DAEBB7BD1DE95B18D05AA6AE81F76B8C.nocache.js was not being found which was from the previous install. We tracked that file back to coreweb.nocache.js. The file viewed in the browser was different than the one on the system and finally after clearing caches all was back to normal. I see clearing caches as a work-around since this won't scale for larger operations.

Acceptance / Success Criteria


Lucidchart Diagrams



Seth Leger November 21, 2013 at 9:53 PM

It sounds like you are saying that interfaces were not being listed on the node.jsp page in the web UI and you believe that it was due to the fact that a *.nocache.js file was being held in the browser cache?

It's possible that our cache settings for GWT components (*.nocache.js) are incorrect on our web server. Please confirm that the problem is as I described it back to you so that I can make sure that we're on the same page. Thanks for the first bug report!





Affects versions



Created June 3, 2013 at 11:11 AM
Updated September 21, 2021 at 6:23 PM