When displaying resource graphs from the node page, the graphs use to be centered, now they are left justified.
Just opening this bug in order to understand the reason for the change and to track whether or not it was done intentionally. I personally don't care for the change as it leave a lot of white space to the right of the graphs.
Acceptance / Success Criteria
Lucidchart Diagrams
Seth Leger January 21, 2015 at 5:56 PM
The layout on graph/results.htm was intentionally changed in 15 to auto-resize the graphs. Marking as fixed.
Seth Leger December 4, 2014 at 11:47 AM
This should be addressed in the UI updates for 15.
When displaying resource graphs from the node page, the graphs use to be centered, now they are left justified.
Just opening this bug in order to understand the reason for the change and to track whether or not it was done intentionally. I personally don't care for the change as it leave a lot of white space to the right of the graphs.