Donald Desloge
Donald DeslogeReporter
Eric W Abrahamsen
Eric W AbrahamsenComponents
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Affects versions
Created April 12, 2011 at 10:58 AM
Updated January 27, 2017 at 4:20 PM
Resolved August 23, 2011 at 12:50 PM
When running database reports and asked to enter "Surveillance Category" it does not matter what you enter and will report on all surveillance categories. Below are the reports that I have tested that are working and not working. I have also verified this behavior on the demo box.
Working Reports:
Availability by node
Availability by node - This Month
Availability by node - Last Month
Availability by node - This Year
Total Bytes Transferred by Interface
Total Bytes Transferred by Interface last month
Total Bytes Transferred by Interface this month
Non-Working Reports:
Response time by node
Response time by node - This Month
Response time by node - Last Month
Response time by node - This Year
Average and Peak Traffic rates for Nodes by Interface
Average and Peak Traffic rates for Nodes by Interface this month
Average and Peak Traffic rates for Nodes by Interface last month
Interface Availability Report