Assets: "All nodes with asset info" link does not find all nodes with asset info
The Link "all nodes with asset info" on the assets page is a bit misleading. It seems to just show the result of "select * from assets where address1 is not null" and that is not necessarily every node with asset info. Maybe it should check whether there is any field that is not null.
Acceptance / Success Criteria
Lucidchart Diagrams
Dominik April 1, 2011 at 8:09 AM
Maybe not "any field that is not null". Rather any field that is not 'nodeid','category','id','building','lastmodifieddate' or 'userlastmodified' and that is either not null or not = "".
id and nodeid is always set category seems to default to "Uncategorized" building is the name of the provisioning group by default lastmodifieddate and userlastmodified are updated whenever a user enters something through the webui, but he may also have deleted everything.
The Link "all nodes with asset info" on the assets page is a bit misleading. It seems to just show the result of "select * from assets where address1 is not null" and that is not necessarily every node with asset info. Maybe it should check whether there is any field that is not null.