Policy Rule using ipAddress with Match Snmp Policy does not work
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Antonio Russo June 23, 2011 at 5:53 PM
Fixed in 1.10 branch
commit 9aceb11b92b7b5ab06da193140b8e4b269065951
Benjamin Reed May 27, 2011 at 5:17 PM
FYI, there was code related to this still in 1.8 and up; we had to revert it because it was breaking collections and other things, it appears to be the code that is breaking https://opennms.atlassian.net/browse/NMS-4683#icft=NMS-4683.
We should design a better way to deal with this. Some of the refactoring in provisiond that Matt and I are working on might take care of some of these issues.
Antonio Russo May 9, 2011 at 3:27 AM
From a discussion with Ben:
Hm, ok. The goal in provisiond is to store as little state as possible,
so we're not filling memory with 20,000 nodes' data and such, I wonder
if there's another way to do this.
Here the hell comes...the trouble is that the information is how to say on two snmp table.
The trouble is that we apply a filter rule that cannot be applied onto snmpiftable ifTable just because
no ip address can be defined there.
The way in which we assign the ip address to OnmsSnmpInterface is merging IpInterface (snmp) table data using the interface index.
So my idea that to avoid maps we have to add a new node scan phase in which we can apply filter like that over snmpinterface using ipaddress: this phase is to be run after the OnmsIpInterface and OnmsSnmpInterfaces
have been discovered and persisted.
The idea would be then having another scan phase in which we use a merge "filter"....for example we can filter ipinterface using "snmp interface data"
and snmpinterface using "ipinterface data".
Antonio Russo May 9, 2011 at 3:19 AM
The changes that have been done are not acceptable
Antonio Russo May 7, 2011 at 3:56 PM
this has been fixed in 1.8
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Antonio RussoAntonio RussoLabels
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a rule for do not persisting snmp interface that does not have an ip address,
DO_NOT_PERSIST Match Snmp Interface ipAddr ~0\.0\.0\.0\.
all the snmp interface are filtered so no interface is saved while there are at least one showing an ip address different from