Report Issue - Average and Peak Traffic rates for Nodes by Interface
I am seeing a issue with the jasper report "Average and Peak Traffic rates for Nodes by Interface" / "this month" / "last month" where the report will only generate data if the interface is one that I have defined in the provisioning groups. The reports do not show data for the interfaces that are discovered on a particular node. In the report I see "No Data for this Interface". An example: I have a router with a management interface that is added to a provisioning group and after syncing all the layer 3 or SVI interfaces are then discovered, only the management interface reports back data but do start to collect via the data collection configuration and can be viewed via the KCS reports.
I have confirmed this behavior on a test server running the same version as well as the box.
Thanks -Eric
OpenNMS Version: 1.8.10
OS: Linux 2.6.18-238.1.1.el5xen (amd64)
Java Version: 1.5.0_18 Sun Microsystems Inc.
Acceptance / Success Criteria
Lucidchart Diagrams
Donald Desloge April 28, 2011 at 11:09 AM
Great. Glad it was something simple.
Eric W Abrahamsen April 28, 2011 at 11:02 AM
The attached 1.8.12 SNAPSHOT .jar files worked. -Eric
Donald Desloge April 26, 2011 at 4:09 PM
I can't seem to reproduce the problem. I am adding the jars from the latest snapshot just in case some didn't make it into the release.
Donald Desloge April 25, 2011 at 4:57 PM
What does the report.log say when you run that report?
Eric W Abrahamsen April 19, 2011 at 4:53 PM
Yes, after the upgrade to 1.8.11-1 the report no longer showed the port-channel data but after I updated with the .jar files you provided and restarted it worked again. Both files that are attached are different sizes than what came with 1.8.11-1.
I am seeing a issue with the jasper report "Average and Peak Traffic rates for Nodes by Interface" / "this month" / "last month" where the report will only generate data if the interface is one that I have defined in the provisioning groups. The reports do not show data for the interfaces that are discovered on a particular node. In the report I see "No Data for this Interface". An example: I have a router with a management interface that is added to a provisioning group and after syncing all the layer 3 or SVI interfaces are then discovered, only the management interface reports back data but do start to collect via the data collection configuration and can be viewed via the KCS reports.
I have confirmed this behavior on a test server running the same version as well as the box.