vmwarereqtool does not retain metadata


vmwarereqtool does not retain metadata on provisoned nodes.
If you define metadata on a existing imported VM guest or host node and run vmwarereqtool the user-defined metadata is lost in result from vmwarereqtool.

With provisiond all is fine since https://opennms.atlassian.net/browse/NMS-13109#icft=NMS-13109


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Christian Pape April 6, 2021 at 12:48 PM

I agreed with the reporter that the mentioned behavior is normal and not a bug.

Christian Pape March 22, 2021 at 11:51 AM

As far as I know, the generated XML-file just contains information from the requisition source, so the VMware vCenter server. The meta-data already added to the nodes is persisted in the database and will not be populated back into the requisition's XML-file. So, after importing the process is basically the same as for requisitions defined in the provisiond-configuration.xml. So, are you just missing the meta-data entries in the XML-file (which is normal behaviour) or is the meta-data deleted on a requisition's XML-file reimport (which should not happen)?

Martin Lärcher March 15, 2021 at 3:22 PM

We use vmwarereqtool with the same vmware connection string configured in provisiond-configuration.xml.


/usr/share/opennms/bin/vmwarereqtool vmware://vcenter-server/VMware-VM?importVMOnly=true;importIPv4Only=true

In the result you can see manual configured services for nodes in requisition and also the modified asset.

But not the manually added meta-data in requisition.

Or has this behaviour fundamentally changed?

we expect somethine like this:

<node foreign-id="vm-35826" node-label="test-node"> <interface ip-addr="" managed="true" status="1" snmp-primary="P"> <monitored-service service-name="VMware-VirtualMachine"/> <monitored-service service-name="VMware-ManagedEntity"/> </interface> <category name="VMware6"/> <asset name="description" value="Windows Server"/> <asset name="ram" value="8192 MB"/> <asset name="cpu" value="2 vCPU"/> <asset name="operatingSystem" value="Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or later (64-bit)"/> <meta-data context="VMware" key="managementServer" value="vcenter-01"/> <meta-data context="VMware" key="managedEntityType" value="VirtualMachine"/> <meta-data context="VMware" key="managedObjectId" value="vm-35826"/> <meta-data context="VMware" key="topologyInfo" value="group-v22/vm, datacenter-21/MUC, group-d1/Datacenters, datastore-33/DX-R6-0, network-41/Internal, host-20720/esx-server-02.domain.local"/> <meta-data context="VMware" key="state" value="poweredOn"/> <meta-data context="requisition" key="CpuHighValue" value="90.0"/> </node>
<meta-data context="requisition" key="CpuHighValue" value="90.0"/>

Christian Pape March 12, 2021 at 11:17 AM

Can you please provide an example of how you use vmwarereqtool and how we can reproduce this problem in order to further narrowing the problem?

Not a Bug




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Created February 23, 2021 at 12:08 PM
Updated April 6, 2021 at 9:36 PM
Resolved April 6, 2021 at 12:48 PM

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