Release notes for 20.0 has broken link in section labelled Release 20.0.0 underneath Other Improvements:
Release 20.0.0
Release 20.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a large number of bug fixes and a few new features. For a high-level overview of what's changed in OpenNMS 20, see What's New in OpenNMS 20.
The link "What's New in OpenNMS 20" gets a not-found error:
Not Found
The requested URL /opennms/releases/latest/releasenotes/whatsnew-20.html was not found on this server.
I actually just formatted the way it was in older releases and for some reason it's apparently broken all the way back. How do I reference another asciidoc file?
So, in changelog-20.adoc it's doing a link like this:
Release 20.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a large number of bug fixes and a few new features.
For a high-level overview of what's changed in OpenNMS 20, see <<whatsnew-20.adoc#releasenotes-20,What's New in OpenNMS 20>>.
We're just generating a single index.html file but asciidoc is turning the link into a link to whatsnew-20.html.
Release notes for 20.0 has broken link in section labelled Release 20.0.0 underneath Other Improvements:
Release 20.0.0
Release 20.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a large number of bug fixes and a few new features. For a high-level overview of what's changed in OpenNMS 20, see What's New in OpenNMS 20.
The link "What's New in OpenNMS 20" gets a not-found error:
Not Found
The requested URL /opennms/releases/latest/releasenotes/whatsnew-20.html was not found on this server.