- Node Labels discovered using SNMP not applied correctly to foreign sourceNMS-17006
- Incorrect IP interfaces discovered on FortinetNMS-16487Christian Pape
- Services are deleted and recreated on each provisioning runNMS-16458Resolved issue: NMS-16458Christian Pape
- Horizon 33.0.2-1 on CentOS9 - Default Foreign Source Detectors always used during discovery instead of the ones of the requisition choosed.NMS-16442
- Unable to set `collection` on detectorsNMS-16360Resolved issue: NMS-16360Christian Pape
- VMware import handler is not sending requests through MinionNMS-16320Resolved issue: NMS-16320Christian Pape
- Extend SnmpDetector to add an option to filter based on a nodeSysOIDNMS-16128
- Update help text on `import-requisition` Karaf commandNMS-16100Resolved issue: NMS-16100Mark Mahacek
- Enhance all provisiond detectors with a "snmp primary" filterNMS-15841
- Filter MatchingIpInterfacePolicy based on SNMP Primary statusNMS-15814
- Handling for missing provisiond configNMS-15744
- Nodes are not discovered via requisitionNMS-15645
- Snmp timeout exceptions appear in provisiond logNMS-15630
- Improve provisiond error loggingNMS-15415
- NPE in opennms-provision-persistenceNMS-14814Resolved issue: NMS-14814Sean Torres
- Detector log is missingNMS-14668
- Provisioning - Config SMNP Community does not support for more than 10 locationsNMS-14548Resolved issue: NMS-14548Rob Ellis
- Ssl error with NrpeMonitorNMS-14113
- Process NetScaler enterprise in provisioningNMS-14099
- Reload Import ImprovementsNMS-14076
- Prevent REST API from allowing multiple primary SNMP interfaces on a single nodeNMS-13939Resolved issue: NMS-13939Gerald Humphries
- More granular control of request RPC timeoutsNMS-13886
- Extend SnmpMetadataProvisioningAdapter configuration to support exact OID matchesNMS-13842Resolved issue: NMS-13842Christian Pape
- NPE when synchronizing requisition with existing nodes in databaseNMS-13719Resolved issue: NMS-13719Christian Pape
- Add "exclude-url" to Discoverd's configurationNMS-13718Resolved issue: NMS-13718Benjamin Reed
- GeoIP Provisioning AdapterNMS-13704Resolved issue: NMS-13704Christian Pape
- Provide REST API endpoint(s) that enumerate the available requisition URL handlers and make their contracts discoverableNMS-13606
- Use CaffeineDnsCache for all Minion DNS queries, not just FlowsNMS-13504
- Monitor localhost in a fresh installNMS-13313Resolved issue: NMS-13313Dino Yancey
- Provisioning stopped working after upgrade to 27.0.4NMS-13128Resolved issue: NMS-13128Chandra Gorantla
- Remove Asterisk monitor (and detector if existent)NMS-13078
- Can discover a node without specifying a requisitionNMS-12993Resolved issue: NMS-12993
- Update labelling in Configure Discover screenNMS-12992Resolved issue: NMS-12992Ronny Trommer
- requisition meta data are deleted if node meta data defined with "db only" synchronizeNMS-12990Resolved issue: NMS-12990Christian Pape
- RRD files for SNMP data are not created until a Service RestartNMS-12974Resolved issue: NMS-12974Chandra Gorantla
- Allow setting meta data in a requisitionNMS-12918Resolved issue: NMS-12918Christian Pape
- Broken provisiond policy does not appear in the logsNMS-12834Resolved issue: NMS-12834Christian Pape
- Use newer protocol versions for remote DCOM WMINMS-12788Resolved issue: NMS-12788fooker
- HTTP detector can't check repsonse textNMS-12754Resolved issue: NMS-12754
- Discovery process is not verbose enoughNMS-12703
- Provisiond accepts multiple primary SNMP interfacesNMS-12605Resolved issue: NMS-12605Chandra Gorantla
- HTTP detector does not use GET methodNMS-12480
- Configurable timeout for Hostname ResolverNMS-12462
- Enable downtime model-based node deletion to happen when unmanaged interfaces existNMS-12442Resolved issue: NMS-12442Benjamin Reed
- Node naming issues in provisioning process when using discoverydNMS-12440
- Discovery and foreignSource service detection get in the wayNMS-12411Resolved issue: NMS-12411Chandra Gorantla
- Discovery exclude-range is not location-awareNMS-12386Resolved issue: NMS-12386Chandra Gorantla
- Discovery does not honor exclude-range inside a definitionNMS-12385Resolved issue: NMS-12385Chandra Gorantla
- Fix requisition cache when accessing the Requisitions UI via "Edit in Requisition"NMS-12360Resolved issue: NMS-12360Alejandro Galue
- SNMP detector: vbvalue field does not handle regex matchNMS-12330
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