- Access Denied With Surveillance View In Ops BoardNMS-9678Resolved issue: NMS-9678Markus von Rüden
- Loss of login screen after upgrade from HZN18.0.3 to 19NMS-9435
- Is is possible to restart the jetty webserver without restarting the all systemNMS-7721Resolved issue: NMS-7721
- Jetty HTTPSNMS-7663
- jetty exception: Failed to convert property value of type '' to required type ' re.soa.ServiceRegistry' for property 'serviceRegistry'NMS-7508Resolved issue: NMS-7508
- Issue NMS-6629 isn't fixed in the opennms 1.12.9-2 CentOS package yetNMS-7063Resolved issue: NMS-7063
- New jetty.xml configuration lacks default keystore passwordsNMS-6601Resolved issue: NMS-6601Seth Leger
- exception when editing SNMP data collection for XMPNMS-6520
- Error when clicking "Save and Restart Discovery"NMS-6037Resolved issue: NMS-6037Seth Leger
- New installation. Update to 1.11.90-1 web gui stays blankNMS-5907Resolved issue: NMS-5907Benjamin Reed
- OpenNMS 1.11.91 requires a JDK to be installed for Jetty to display the login pageNMS-5835Resolved issue: NMS-5835Benjamin Reed
- The OpenNMS Web User Interface Has Experienced an ErrorNMS-5779Resolved issue: NMS-5779Seth Leger
- add ProxyServlet functionality to embedded jettyNMS-5525
- RSS feeds are not validNMS-5427Resolved issue: NMS-5427Seth Leger
- Change the jetty session manager to something that persists logged-in sessions over restartsNMS-5420Resolved issue: NMS-5420Seth Leger
- Graphs not being created in dashboard or reports. Charts display correctly.NMS-5267Resolved issue: NMS-5267Seth Leger
- Hung threads causing 100% CPU usage (possibly Jetty + HTTPS/SSL related)NMS-4940Resolved issue: NMS-4940Donald Desloge
- Make Jetty headerBufferSize property configurableNMS-4815Resolved issue: NMS-4815Donald Desloge
- [patch] add new asset fields for hardware configuration dataNMS-4579Resolved issue: NMS-4579Benjamin Reed
- Upgrade from jetty 6.1.24 to 6.1.26 breaks AJP13-connections from apache 2.2.xNMS-4275Resolved issue: NMS-4275Benjamin Reed
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