- Jsr160ConnectionFactory doesn't work with IPv6 addressNMS-9071Resolved issue: NMS-9071Seth Leger
- Search web page doesn't talk about searching IPv6 addressesNMS-8711Resolved issue: NMS-8711Cyrille Bollu
- Requesting IPv6 resources on measurements rest endpoint failsNMS-7819Resolved issue: NMS-7819Jesse White
- Configure SNMP by IP: No IPv6 Proxy possibleNMS-7572
- Critical path does not support IPV6NMS-5987
- New install fails to start "System property 'OpenNMS.library.jicmp6' not setNMS-5256Resolved issue: NMS-5256Benjamin Reed
- Implement the new (~ 2006) mib for ip RFC 4293NMS-5141
- Adding an IPv6 address for discovery manually makes OpenNMS need 2 attempts to startNMS-4702Resolved issue: NMS-4702Matt Brozowski
- Unable to add IPv6 address for discovery via web UINMS-4701Resolved issue: NMS-4701Alejandro Galue
- provisiond needs to be able to scan the new ipAddress table, in addition to the (deprecated) ipAddr table, and handle IPv6 addressesNMS-4577Resolved issue: NMS-4577Benjamin Reed
- Convert Event XML to JAXBNMS-4535Resolved issue: NMS-4535Benjamin Reed
- Linkd RefactoringNMS-4524Resolved issue: NMS-4524Antonio Russo
- FilterDao calls need to return InetAddressesNMS-4509Resolved issue: NMS-4509Matt Brozowski
- Poller not responding to nodeGainedService events when event interface is an ipv6 addressNMS-4488Resolved issue: NMS-4488Benjamin Reed
- installer should make sure IPLIKE has IPv6 supportNMS-4408Resolved issue: NMS-4408Benjamin Reed
- Provisioning problem due to ipv6 address formattingNMS-4252Resolved issue: NMS-4252Seth Leger
- Exception when Provisioning an ipv6 address on a node with SNMP EnabledNMS-4251Resolved issue: NMS-4251Benjamin Reed
- Too many calls to getlocahost()NMS-2027Resolved issue: NMS-2027
- The installer should catch systems where TCP connections cannot be made to localhostNMS-1865Resolved issue: NMS-1865Seth Leger
- Add IPv6 Support to OpenNMSNMS-1094Resolved issue: NMS-1094Seth Leger
- Add IPv6 support to IPLIKEIPL-17Resolved issue: IPL-17Seth Leger
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