- Add Karaf shell commands show-requisitions, show-minions, and show-locationsNMS-16575Resolved issue: NMS-16575Dino Yancey
- Top of page search reports a lot of errors in logNMS-16408
- Update help text on `import-requisition` Karaf commandNMS-16100Resolved issue: NMS-16100Mark Mahacek
- Evaluate feasbility of backporting KARAF-6955 to M2020NMS-15424Resolved issue: NMS-15424Benjamin Reed
- Karaf command to display event detailsNMS-15130Resolved issue: NMS-15130Christian Pape
- Ability to tail database events in Karaf shellNMS-15129
- Provide a method to verify topology capabilityNMS-14909Resolved issue: NMS-14909Antonio Russo
- opennms:metadata-test command is not present in Karaf shellNMS-14754Resolved issue: NMS-14754Alberto
- Doc update: Enable salted hash passwords within Karaf for core/Minion/SentinelNMS-14736Resolved issue: NMS-14736Benjamin Reed
- Enhance Karaf reload-daemon to output reload statusNMS-14701
- Detector log is missingNMS-14668
- Dependabot: osgi.annotation 7.0.0 to 8.1.0NMS-14585Resolved issue: NMS-14585Benjamin Reed
- Karaf shell's opennms:collect fails to persist if rrd does not existNMS-14563
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