- Cortex Plugin Will Not Start Correctly When the Core is RestartedNMS-16942Muhammad Junaid
- LdapMonitor does not work when a Minion is the pollerNMS-16349Resolved issue: NMS-16349Christian Pape
- DroolsAlarmContext error - alarm facts out of syncNMS-16208Chandra Gorantla
- enlinkd logging hibernate errors (lack of unique index)NMS-16199Resolved issue: NMS-16199Christian Pape
- v31.x.x Hamburger menu doesn't work in Safari/Chrome/FirefoxNMS-15438Resolved issue: NMS-15438
- Following cross-site links logs out current sessionNMS-15320Resolved issue: NMS-15320Christian Pape
- Upgrade Apache Kafka Dependency Beyond 3.2.0NMS-15317Resolved issue: NMS-15317Benjamin Reed
- Config item clarifications in container imagesNMS-15277Resolved issue: NMS-15277Jeff Gehlbach
- Geo Map node groups should split into individual markersNMS-15150Resolved issue: NMS-15150Scott Theleman
- Vue Menubar items obscured by Geo MapNMS-15149Resolved issue: NMS-15149Scott Theleman
- Statistics Reports -> Export Excel fails with exceptionNMS-15148Resolved issue: NMS-15148Benjamin Reed
- Unable to configure WMI monitor on ONMSNMS-15125Resolved issue: NMS-15125
- reloading BSM daemon causes the state of serviceProblem alarm to be resetNMS-15124Resolved issue: NMS-15124Alex May
- Default limit of 10 is not working for event queriesNMS-15123Resolved issue: NMS-15123Alex May
- Document deviceconfig tftp maximumReceiveSizeNMS-15121Resolved issue: NMS-15121Bonnie Robinson
- Log Out does not work from new nav-bar menuNMS-15119Resolved issue: NMS-15119Scott Theleman
- intermittent NoClassDefFoundError on BmpParserNMS-15110
- add selinux config for JICMP/JICMP6NMS-15109Resolved issue: NMS-15109Benjamin Reed
- Change needed to a file name reference in documentationNMS-15100Bonnie Robinson
- snmpConfig ReST response doesn't include location informationNMS-15096Resolved issue: NMS-15096fooker
- RHEL9/CentOS9/Rocky 9 need chkconfig package to enable service properlyNMS-15093Resolved issue: NMS-15093Benjamin Reed
- Update Debian/Ubuntu Upgrade InstructionsNMS-15087Resolved issue: NMS-15087Bonnie Robinson
- Concurrent requests to rrd summary endpoint failsNMS-15086Resolved issue: NMS-15086Alex May
- opennms-plugin-cloud_1.0.3-1_all.deb install fails on Debian 11 because of zst compressionNMS-15082Resolved issue: NMS-15082
- Identify Shared Segment on Lldp protocolNMS-15049Antonio Russo
- Use lldpStatsRemTablesLastChangeTime to optimize pollingNMS-15048Antonio Russo
- Alarms and Events: filter and advanced search and logout / Connection was resetNMS-15047
- DOC: Update replacement tokens documentationNMS-15045Resolved issue: NMS-15045Emily Marsh
- Incorrect labels on OpenNMS-JMX collection resource typesNMS-15044Resolved issue: NMS-15044Mark Mahacek
- opennms rpm could get wrong jetty filesNMS-15043Resolved issue: NMS-15043Benjamin Reed
- Clean up the way we pass in dependencies for RPM/DEB packagesNMS-14973Resolved issue: NMS-14973Morteza
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