- Add asset field mapping to OCS-Sources like in JDBC and XLS sourcesPRIS-18
- Refactor asset field mapping to be usable by all source implementationPRIS-10Resolved issue: PRIS-10
- Documentation does not give a complete list for possible asset mappingPRIS-5Resolved issue: PRIS-5
- snmp asset provisioning adapter throws exceptions when unable to reach SNMPNMS-15830
- Exception when searching assetsNMS-14240Resolved issue: NMS-14240Christian Pape
- Separate asset snmp and wsman configsNMS-12327
- Unable to remove asset data from provisioned nodesNMS-10456
- Asset record is not being updated with user name that performed the updateNMS-10087Resolved issue: NMS-10087Patrick Schweizer
- Requisition sync should not zero out assets[userlastmodified]NMS-5753
- add email address asset fieldNMS-5526
- SNMP asset provisioning adapter config/db label mismatchesNMS-5521Resolved issue: NMS-5521Matt Brozowski
- snmp asset provisioning adapter install doesn't set jar executableNMS-5517Resolved issue: NMS-5517Benjamin Reed
- define multiple mibObj's in an snmp-asset-provisioning-adapter packageNMS-5393
- snmp-asset-adapter has stopped functioningNMS-5237Resolved issue: NMS-5237Seth Leger
- Error when editing Assets when running Chrome, works in FireFoxNMS-5215
- Old asset field "maintContractNumber" in legacy requisitions breaks provisioning after uprading to 1.10NMS-5191Resolved issue: NMS-5191Seth Leger
- Asset CSV import will not import new asset fields.NMS-5146Resolved issue: NMS-5146Markus Neumann
- DNS Provisioning: use of location resource records (RFC 1876) for geolocationNMS-5123
- Asset-page categorie fields validation.NMS-4963Resolved issue: NMS-4963Markus Neumann
- Asset-page shows rancid password readable. Change to password fields.NMS-4961Resolved issue: NMS-4961Markus Neumann
- SELECT tag not closed in asset/modify.jspNMS-4819Resolved issue: NMS-4819Alejandro Galue
- Make it possible to specify geolocation of nodes and show in a mapNMS-4649Resolved issue: NMS-4649Benjamin Reed
- Asset adapter does not store Hex-STRINGsNMS-4312Resolved issue: NMS-4312Seth Leger
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